When it comes time for you to move out of your current apartment, you want to get as much of your security deposit back as you possibly can. Dogs and cats can leave odors and stains within an apartment. If the apartment smells like a dog or a cat was inside, or if there are visible stains and pet hair everywhere, you probably won’t get much of the pet deposit back.
After the movers leave, but before the landlord comes for the inspection, it is important that you follow a few helpful steps to make the apartment more presentable. It may cost a little bit to get the apartment in good shape, but the cost won’t compare to losing your deposit. Here are the top apartment de-petting tips from Denver real estate professionals:
Getting Rid of Pet Urine Stains
The best way to make sure that urine stains aren’t a problem is to make sure that your pet is properly house trained. However, accidents do happen.
To get rid of pet urine stains that have set in, you need to make a solution of one part vinegar to one part warm water. This solution needs to be applied to the area of the stain. You should let this set for a few moments. Then, you need to blot the wet area with a paper towel. Follow this by sprinkling some baking soda over the area. Let this set for several minutes. After you have spot cleaned the stains, you should vacuum the entire floor.
If the stain is still present after using this method, you can purchase special pet stain spot cleaners from a pet shop. These products are sprayed on, worked into the stain, and then the area is vacuumed.
Some apartments will have extensive staining. In these cases, you will need to rent a carpet cleaner. Give all the carpets in the apartment a thorough cleaning, and leave plenty of time for the carpets to dry. When they are dry, sprinkle a pet odor neutralizer over the carpet and vacuum.
Removing Pet Odors
Dogs and cats that are kept in an apartment can leave odors in the residence even if they have not urinated on the floor. When you have generalized pet odors, you should sprinkle baking soda over all of the carpets and let it set. Then, you need to thoroughly vacuum the area and spray air freshener in the apartment. Also, you should scrub down all the tiled and vinyl flooring in the apartment.
Removing Pet Hair
If you don’t get all the pet hair out of the apartment, you will lose some of your deposit. The first method for removing pet hair is vacuuming. However, this may not be sufficient by itself. Before you vacuum, take a rubber broom and move it back and forth through the carpet. This will dislodge pet hair and allow it to be vacuumed more easily.
By following these steps, you will make the apartment look and smell better. It will go a long way to helping get your deposit returned.